Opera Santa Maria della Luce
I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me does not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
(Jn 8, 12)
Vincentian House "Giuliana Andreoli"
The Casa Vincenziana "Giuliana Andreoli" in SanVenanzo is a protected residence for elderly people not self-sufficient. It has a statute-regulation
inspired by the work of San Vincenzo de 'Paoli, patron saint universal of works of charity.
The house opens its doors on 11 January 1992, thanks to the donation of the deacon Bruno and Maria Teresa Andreoli and begins her service with the collaboration of volunteers and the Cenacolo Community of Saluzzo (Cn). In the following years the structure can complete its spaces thanks to the donation Meattelli and the availability of the Tu es Foundation Sacerdos.
Currently the Vincentian House can accommodate 20 elderly people. In 2002 the Vincentian House "G.Andreoli" participates in the opening of the House Vincentian "Don Benedetto Baccarelli" by Baschi, designed by Don Francesco Valentini and by the Board of Directors of the work.
05010 San Venanzo (Tr) - Via Marconi, 10